Friday, April 17, 2015

Story About Towing Lot Rep Not ESPN Anchor

It's amazing how a little more information and a day can change perspective.

Case in point:  ESPN anchor Britt McHenry's verbal attack on a towing company representative.

At first, I thought this story was about McHenry and her telling the representative to lose weight, among other offensive verbal attacks.

However, the story is not about the ESPN anchor.  Nope.  It's about the representative who is an innocent victim of insensitive words.

This article from People shows the true value of this story.  Forgiveness.

The towing lot representative's name is Gina Michelle.  According to the story, she is a single mother with three children who probably puts up with a lot of verbal attacks in her job just to support her kids. Gina Michelle spoke out and said she didn't want to see McHenry suspended or terminated for her comments.

That's the lesson in all of this.  And therein lies the value of sharing the video online.

Despite the fact that the ESPN anchor has not apologized in person, the story should be about the victim, Gina Michelle.

In fact, Gina Michelle shows the strength to move forward and do her job another day.  She will support her family and ignore the comments made by the woman from ESPN.  Gina's name has value.  She's not just a cog in a machine, but she's a valuable member of society who is doing her job to support her children.

Hopefully, Ellen DeGeneres sees Gina Michelle's story and gives her a magic $10,000 check to help support her children and for being a generous person.  The video shows that Gina Michelle never verbally attacks McHenry in return.  Instead, she does her job calmly and informs her that a video camera is recording her words.

Tippin' my hat to Gina Michelle who must put up with an enormous amount of grief on a daily basis!

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