Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Want Press Overnight? It's Possible

If you want press overnight and nothing else seems to be working, follow this route.

1.  Create a website to establish yourself as an expert.

2.  Write a press release with a strong hook and post it on your website.  "For Immediate Release..."

3.  Send the press release via email to a few known news websites.

4.  Watch what happens and reap the rewards.

That is exactly what John Bohannon, Ph.D. did.  He went one step further by creating a study shouting the headline "Chocolate helps weight loss."  No kidding.  It worked.  He garnered published articles all over the world.  The message was a fun one - eat chocolate to lose weight - and it took off like wildfire.

This is how an expert is made in today's online world.

Do you have a business to promote?  Create a website, post a press release.

Do you have an idea to share?  Create a website, post a press release.

I'm not advising anyone to lie and in fact, Bohannon did do a limited study with only 5 men and 11 women.  But apparently no one fact checked on the amount of people who were studied.  They wanted to prove that diet studies are junk science but everyone, even journalists, believe them.

The documentary will air in Germany.  There's already a trailer about the topic...

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