Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Don't Gloat in This Economy? It May Pay Off For Writer

There are so many people who remain uncounted in the unemployment statistics because they don't collect unemployment benefits.

It may take three months to three years to find a job.  That's the hard, cold truth.  Throw the over 40 folks into the unemployment tank and they're having trouble trying to reinvent themselves.

People are struggling to pay for housing.
People are struggling to pay bills.
People are struggling to feed their children.
Yet, those same people are being judged for not finding a job fast enough.
And if they find a way to pay bills, they may be judged for the kind of work they take.

The unemployment situation is not easy.

So, when one mom shared her story on Elle Decor, she got a backlash from commenters.  That backlash is now making headlines.

Here's the article written by Sarah Scott:
Luxury living comes at a premium. Here's what one family was willing to give up to afford it.

If you scroll down to the bottom of that article, the commenters attack the writer.  I didn't see one positive, supportive comment.  As I understand it, the woman was writing her story, her truth. But when it comes across as gloating about wealth and entitlement with her dream home, people who are struggling financially become embittered.

Our economy is in the crapper.  That's the truth.  I know more people who are unemployed instead of employed.  I know someone who went from a full-time respectable career to living on Skid Row. Companies are downsizing, employees are being laid off and people are frustrated.

But there's another way to look at this particular article.  If you do your research, you quickly discover the writer of this article was paid $100 by The Mix for writing this piece.  And she gets bonuses based on traffic to the article. So, by the commenters giving this article such hatred, they've increased the pay for the writer as it's taken off with national and international headlines.  More than 6,000 people have shared the article on Facebook.  It's also on Reddit.  People are Tweeting it, Pinning it and Emailing it.  That's serious traffic, folks.  And honestly, in today's world of short attention spans, that's impressive.

My prediction: this writer will have a book on the market soon.  Whatever she's saying, she's garnering traffic and getting a huge response.  Negative or positive, it's still publicity and she has people talking.

So, at the end of the day, who has the last laugh?

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