Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I Swam With Sharks... But Not Like Zac Efron

A couple of years ago, I swam with tiger sharks off the island of Oahu in Hawaii.  My teenage sons and I were put into a cage in the water several miles from shore in an area where tiger sharks roam. It was very similar to the cage scene in the film "Jaws."  We did not touch the sharks.  We were separated from the sharks.  We basically just watched them swim around for a bit and then got back on the boat.

Now, actor Zac Efron has been swimming with sharks while shooting a film in Oahu.  But he was not in a cage like we were.  Nope.  He was swimming freely and then he boldly grabs a large tiger shark's dorsal fin and swims along with the shark.  Efron claims it was a move to show the need for conservation and affection toward sharks instead of turning them into shark fin soup.  To me, this is not a conservation move but it puts people in danger.  Was it an aggressive move to grab the shark's fin?  If someone else tries to grab a shark, will he or she be so lucky?  There have been several shark attacks off the waters in Maui in recent years.

Check out this video of Zac Efron that he posted on his Instagram account, most likely with a Go-Pro waterproof camera.

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