Saturday, June 13, 2015

Robotics Class Makes Prosthetic Arm for Little Girl

This is a must-read story from Grand Rapids, Michigan where high school seniors in a Robotics Class used a 3-D printer to make a prosthetic arm and hand for a little girl who was born without her forearm.

My sons were in a robotics class in middle school but they were not gifted with a 3-D printer.  They participated in very simple robotics competitions.

Imagine if each robotics class or graphics class in every high school in this nation received the donation of a 3-D printer.  Imagine how students could change lives with that simple gift.

From what I've read, the cost of a similar robotic arm and hand is about $600.  There are always people who are working on less expensive prototypes.  Creators are often willing to share the technology.

There are also Kickstarter campaigns for more technology in this area as well.

Here's a 17-year-old who shared his knowledge about 3-D printing in a TEDx talk.

If your high school student wants to join a robotics class or a graphics class, encourage them.  They could be the next person to create a product to help other people through 3-D printers.  Incredible!

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