Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Today's Junior Prick, Tomorrow's Senior Partner!" - Working Girl

There's an interesting story floating around the Internet today about a guy who pushes another man in the morning rush on the Subway and then hours later he shows up in that same man's office to be interviewed for a job.

Terrible timing or karma?  For whatever reason, the guy who pushed the recruiter didn't get the job. Surprised?

There's a great line in the film "Working Girl" delivered by Sigourney Weaver, "Today's junior prick, tomorrow's senior partner."  And as bad as the backstabbing Katherine played by Weaver was in that film, it is the biggest lesson from "Working Girl."  I have repeated it often through the years reminding people to be nice to other people, even when they're not nice to you.

My father always said, "Kill them with kindness."  He was right.  Be kind to everyone, but those people who are the most difficult of characters, be overly kind.

That means to be kind throughout your day.  Don't push and shove people.  Don't cut off traffic or honk at people during your morning commute.  Try to be nice to everyone who crosses your path.

You never know if you'll be interviewing for a job with that person that very day!

Another lesson learned the hard way...

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