Nine-year-old Tyler Doohan is a little hero. The little guy lost his life going back into a fire to save his grandfather who was a wheelchair user.
This happened more than a year ago but it just made its way to Reddit. If you read the comments on Reddit, you'll see how this nine-year-old has touched lives.
When you do a little research, you find out that Tyler saved six lives that night before going back inside for his grandfather. It's a heartbreaking tale.
His funeral brought firefighters from all over the place. Tyler became an honorary firefighter.
His pallbearers were members of a college basketball team who drove through the night to carry Tyler's casket.
A year has passed since it happened, but I'm sure for Tyler's family it's like yesterday. There is no greater loss than that of a child.
Now that Reddit has taken on sharing the story, young Tyler's story will be heard by people worldwide. Mainstream media isn't enough to do it anymore.
Reddit readers are sharing Tyler's story because they want to honor young Tyler who is a hero of the rarest kind. May he rest in peace as my thoughts are with his family.
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