As Forbes points out, in order to leave a job, you have to give up regular pay and job security. No one can live on what if's and unpredictable income. So, you stay in the job. For months, years or decades, you stay in the job. Maybe too long, you stay.
If you stay in the job and attempt to interview for other jobs, you jeopardize the original job. I've heard stories about businesses that fired people when they found out headhunters were helping certain employees find other jobs.
It's tricky to leave a job, any job, even a so-so job that doesn't pay to keep you afloat.
But there are always signs when the door seems to be open and it's time for you to leave.
Reinvention is part of surviving the workforce in today's world.
You constantly have to consider reinventing yourself.
Look at Paula Deen. Talk about having to reinvent yourself. She was ruined publicly. Yet, she had family members to support. She got her health in order, she lost weight and started the Paula Deen Network online.
Look at Paula Deen. Talk about having to reinvent yourself. She was ruined publicly. Yet, she had family members to support. She got her health in order, she lost weight and started the Paula Deen Network online.
Finding new skills, taking a chance on a new training, and reaching new heights, that is the only way to start a new chapter. Remember, anything is possible if you put enough positive energy into it. Every step forward will lead you down a new road... but taking the first step is the biggest obstacle. In many ways, it starts with a leap of faith and knowing the time is now for a change.
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