Scrape off the mold and eat it.
If you're lucky, find a way to boil the potato and eat it.
This is today's reality. If you think it doesn't exist, it does.
Most of today's working poor are silent about their conditions.
They've been squeezed out of a job, have a hard time finding full-time work, or face gender wage discrimination.
According to the latest study, on average, women make 22% less than men. That's a fact.
Even worse, the study shows that women are working for free for much of the year.
There was a time not that long ago that in order to finish a job, I had to pay out of pocket on my credit cards to finish the work. The clients were unaware of my financial struggle but I finished each and every job this way until I found myself in debt just to work. Does this make sense? I was a part of the working poor.
The struggle for women is real, especially when a woman becomes a breadwinner overnight and is expected to pay all bills for the home and children.
What are the solutions to turn this around?
I love this article from American Progress. They list 7 solutions that may help close the gender wage gap including raising the minimum wage, supporting fair scheduling practices, and supporting pay transparency.
The transparency issue is HUGE. If a business is not willing to audit the same job and insist on equal pay for both men and women in the same job or they do not support fair scheduling practices, all is lost.
More than government, it's up to each business and each corporation to take care of their employees in an equal manner. If a business isn't willing to do that and you're a woman who is struggling to survive on the pay you're receiving, put all of your energy into finding a place to work that will show transparency and equal scheduling practices.
It's 2015. And women still have a long way to go to reach equality.
Look at the number of female directors vs. the number of male directors with the DGA in Hollywood.
Meanwhile, John Oliver blows the lid off of the lack of paid family leave for women in the United States. Happy Mother's Day... right.
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