Michael Oher.
It was his story featured in the film "The Blind Side" starring Sandra Bullock. His story was powerful. But that film also changed his life.
Now, there's an interesting story about football player Michael Oher.
The story originated with ESPN when Oher said, "People look at me, and they take things away from me because of a movie. They don't really see the skills and the kind of player I am. That's why I get downgraded so much, because of something off the field."
This may be true. But Oher has found grand success in the scheme of things, despite attention he receives because of a hit movie.
His football deals have been huge: $20 million with the Tennessee Titans and $7 million with the Carolina Panthers.
Please,give me that kind of negative multi-million dollar attention.
Let's not forget, Oher is also a best-selling author with "I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness to The Blind Side, and Beyond." His approach in writing the book was to help children who find themselves in his situation of being homeless. With help from his adoptive family, he broke the cycle of poverty and essentially beat the odds.
Oher is one of the lucky ones.
So, I have to think that his quote in this feature story from ESPN was taken out of context as it's been picked up by publications all over the world.
What I see here is a man who has gratitude for everything he has in life. Yes, he will get extra attention when things go right or wrong because of his additional fame, but at the end of the day, he is still a man with a grateful heart.
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