Saturday, June 13, 2015

Craigslist Jobs - Send Your Photograph?

Craigslist job listings.

The days of getting a job with the in-person handshake are over.

Instead, the relationship has to start with a virtual handshake first.  But it's one-sided.  Applicants are applying blind to unknown companies.  Those applicants are in need of paid employment and they're hopeful.

But I'm hearing there are some pretty shocking requests to apply for even the lowest level administrative jobs on Craigslist.

"Send a full-length photo."

Why would you have to send a full-length photo for a $10 an hour job?  In fact, if you're not being photographed or applying to be a model, why would you have to send a full-length photo of yourself at all?

So, I checked it out.  Some supposed employers are even asking for photos for unpaid internships? Folks, that is some shady behavior. Honestly, I doubt those jobs exist.  Even if posters have to pay a small $25 posting cost.  That's a small price to pay to receive a bunch of pictures of people, probably most often photographs of women are attempting to earn an entry level job.

I know someone who posted an assistant job on Craigslist.  He received hundreds of resumes in the first few hours of the posting.  That's a lot of emails and resumes to wade through.  Look at this job experiment where the poster posted a fake job and received 650 responses in the first day.  That experiment was a few years ago.  Imagine the number of responses in today's failing job market where more of the work is being outsourced.

It's also true that a percentage of the job postings on Craigslist are actually advertisements for a company, production or a product.  If an entrepreneur wants hundreds, potentially thousands, of people to know about their new product, some will offer a job on Craigslist.  That job may or may not exist.  Only the poster knows for sure.

So, how do you get a job on Craigslist or any other job posting site?  There's lot of advice online. Make the time and read it.  Then, try some of the suggestions.  What do you have to lose?

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