Thursday, August 25, 2016

Why Fight Social Media? 3 Things You Can Do Today


Social media marketing is important so learn how to use it.
There’s nothing to fear. It’s like anything else that comes on the market. Most of it is point and click along with an educated approach. Anyone who tells you that it’s too difficult to learn doesn’t want to compete with you or help you.
There are some people who repeatedly put off learning something new in social media. They approach it by saying, “I’ll get to it next week.” Next week never seems to come and they find themselves having the same déjà vu conversations about learning social media. Soon after, there’s an entirely new learning curve as the market is changing regularly.
Whether you use a Customer Relationship Management system or not, it’s important for every business to provide content that is both valuable and shareable in every social media forum available.
  1. Create Original Content. Write a blog to provide advice to your audience. List a few things that are working in your industry or business. Provide take away information to your visitors on social media. Make it eye-catching. Record a video or if you know how to create an animated video, do it. A very smart person once asked me: “Which would you rather do – read something or watch something?” Most people would rather watch a two-minute video than read a lengthy article.
  2.  Create Images or Infographics. Show me. There are so many free programs and websites online that allow you to create shareable images. Provide the valuable content on those images or infographics and make your assets shareable. The more people who share, the more people who will sign-up to your email list. The more people who join your email list, the more potential customers you’ll create. With an excellent product and amazing customer service, you’ll create repeat clients who will share news for you. When I’m a believer in the value of a company’s products and their customer service, I always share. Most importantly, pictures help to sell your voice.
  3. Curate Content. When I work on social media accounts for clients, I am selective about the articles and links I share online. Be choosy so the material matches the voice of the brand. If you’re on the fence about sharing something, don’t share it. There’s a reason the material is making you stop and think. If there’s a writer or website that shares a similar focus or philosophy, add that writer or blog to your go-to list. If you like a certain an approach, tell the audience why the material you’re sharing is valuable. Those you support will oftentimes become your supporters in return.
The technology is here to help you grow.
Find a way to incorporate social media into your business every day.

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